Localization consulting

The level of localization determines your success in the international market. Studies from Common Sense Advisory have shown that half of consumers purchase exclusively from websites in their native language. Moreover, many business communication and behavioral experts agree that trust is the secret to successful sales, and in order to build rapport with your audience, you need to be linguistically on the same wavelength. Apart from having a positive effect on sales, proper localization boosts the reviews of your product from independent media.

It’s not easy to arrange the entire localization process from scratch, as it requires knowledge of cultural specifics as well as experience working with a variety of tools. We often see companies that organize their localization inefficiently, resort to tools that do not help complete their tasks, or lack a clear understanding of how to monitor localization quality and set a budget for it. You might be wondering: What does proper localization look like? What does it entail? With years of professional experience and hundreds of successful projects under our belt, we answer these questions with confidence and have a solid plan of action.

Our customers come from a number of different industries. We are willing to share our professional knowledge and apply our expertise to developing the most effective localization process that works for you. This means your localization costs will be fully optimized. Working with AWATERA, you will not have to invest into activities that are not going to yield the desired results.

We are committed to building the right localization strategy for your company from scratch, which above all will help keep your expenses well-balanced – a crucial point when expanding to new markets. We are fully accountable for the results of our work, and will stick to your deadlines when bringing your localization strategy to life.

offers comprehensive language support to more than 2,500 corporate clients worldwide

develops cutting-edge linguistic solutions for translation processes automation

Has more than 10 years of experience in multilingual software, website and marketing localization

provides a world-class team of directly managed professionals — more than 7,000 people: translators, editors

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