Translation for the oil and gas industry is a labor-intensive process that requires high expertise.

In order to produce accurate high-quality translations, the translator must move beyond the boundaries of general linguistic education and display comprehensive knowledge of oil and gas technologies.

Our extensive client list features major companies, such as Yokogawa, Cameron, UOP and many others.

Our translators have extensive experience working with many of the largest oil and gas companies.

Our areas of expertise include

  • Exploration and production, including geological examinations, seismic tests, and logging
  • Project profitability analysis and preparation of feasibility studies
  • All aspects of environmental protection
  • Hazard analysis; health, safety and environment measures
  • All aspects of field development
  • All aspects of supply and construction, as well as provision for construction camps and drilling works
  • Oil and gas production technologies, including advanced well stimulation and recovery technologies and well workover operations
  • Sea and land facilities, platforms, and barges, floating production storages, and offloading vessels
  • Pipeline construction, pipeline transportation, and commercial accounting
  • Transportation of petroleum products by land and by sea
  • Oil and gas processing equipment and technology
  • Construction and operation of oil processing plants
  • Construction and maintenance of oil and gas storage facilities
  • Expert systems in analytical chemistry
  • Manufacturing the full range of petroleum products, distillation and thermal decomposition technologies, catalyst application, and production of diesel fuel with the lowest sulfur content
  • Transportation of finished goods

Our customers

Our extensive client list features major companies, such as Yokogawa, Cameron, UOP and many others.

Our translators have extensive experience working with many of the largest oil and gas companies.

Benefits of working with us

Profound experience

We have profound experience in translating accompanying financial and legal documents, training courses, presentations, marketing materials, and industry-specific regulatory documents.

Translating large volumes of documents

By combining our unique project management competencies with modern technology, we can handle the translation of large volumes of complex technical documents on a turnkey basis in the shortest time possible.

Native speakers

We employ native speakers as they can offer the best translation that corresponds to the norms and standards of their native language.

Quality control

Once the initial translation is done, it is checked by an editor with the relevant experience and then receives a final review by a proofreader.

Layout and prepress services

Translation of large documents often requires layout and prepress preparation, and we utilize the skills of our DTP team and ensure post-DTP proofreading to avoid any possible errors caused by the layout corrections.

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